Efficacy biocidal products

Biocidal products are regulated under the EU Biocidal Products Regulation. This sets high regulatory hurdles for biocidal products. We are aware of these challenges and therefore offer one-stop efficacy tests for product types 1 to 12 as well as 21 against all target organisms including viruses, bacteriophages, bacteria and fungi, e.g., according to EN 14885, VAH, ASTM, AOAC. If there are no standardized procedures for your special preparation yet, we will develop suitable procedures together with you and in coordination with the authorities. Of course, we are accredited by the DAkkS for all test methods according to ISO/IEC 17025 and GLP-certified. We are always at your side, with the highest quality "Made in Germany" and many years of experience. 

Dr. Kerstin Walendy-Gnirß Director of Scientific Services
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Efficacy testing - EN 14885

For the purpose of European approval, chemical disinfectants containing biocides require, among other things, effectiveness tests according to international standards, which we as a testing laboratory are happy to carry out for you.

We at Dr. Brill + Dr. Steinmann not only test your finished biocidal product, but are also happy to accompany you in testing biocidal active ingredients or various formulations on the way to the finished product. We are happy to support you with cornerstone tests, screenings and full tests, suspension tests, carrier tests as well as practical tests and field studies against all target organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, bacterial spores, bacteriophages, mycobacteria and algae) from a single source so that you can successfully achieve your goal.

For this purpose, we offer all EN standards according to EN 14885 such as EN 13727, EN 13624, EN 14476, EN 17126, EN 14348, EN 16777, EN 16615, EN 17430, EN 1500, EN 1499, EN 12791, EN 13697, EN 17387 , EN 16616, EN 17272, EN 17211, EN 17422, EN 14561, EN 14562, EN 14563, EN 13610, 13623, EN 1276, EN 1650, EN 13704, EN 16437, EN 16438, EN 14349.

If you are unsure which test is right for your product, we are happy to help you.

Efficacy testing - VAH

Anyone who deals with the marketing of chemical disinfectants and biocides for the healthcare sector will inevitably come across the VAH listing process in Germany. We would be happy to offer you the right package of tests to suit your question.

You can choose from classic VAH methods (e.g. methods 7 to 19 and V1A to V4A).

However, we recommend basing this on EN methods recognized by the VAH (e.g. EN 13727, EN 13624, EN 1499, EN 1500, EN 12791, EN 17387, EN 1716, EN 16615, EN 14561, EN 14562, EN 14563, EN 14348, EN 16616, EN 14476, EN 16777, EN 17111, EN 17430).

But if you would like to find out more about the requirements in Germany in advance, you will find some useful tips in the adjacent video .

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Efficacy testing - AOAC & ASTM

As a testing laboratory, we are interested in offering our customers the broadest possible portfolio of standards. A number of US standards have therefore been established that are required when products are approved, particularly by the US EPA and US FDA. These include, among others:

- AOAC (e.g. 955.14, 955.15, 955.17, 964.02, 991.47, 991.48, 991.49) and

- ASTM (e.g. E1153-14, E1174-13, E1839-13, E2197-17, E2755-15, E1052-20, E1838-1, E2011-13, E1053-20)

Efficacy testing - antimicrobial surfaces

Do you have a product that is intended to protect a surface from growth or proliferation of microorganisms? We at Dr. Brill + Dr. Steinmann also have standardized tests in our program for this application, which can provide you with information about the effectiveness of your product. This includes:

- ISO 22196, ISO 21702, ISO 18184, ISO 7581, ISO 20743

- PAS2424

If you are unsure about the specific advantages and disadvantages of the respective processes in relation to your product, our team will be happy to help you.

Efficacy testing - projects

Does your interest go further than a classic norm can achieve? Are you interested in innovative scientific questions about the effectiveness of your disinfectant (for example for publication or marketing purposes) and would you like to investigate this with a test that is not based on international standards? We have that too at Dr. Brill + Dr. Steinmann in the program. Our expertise focuses, among other things, on:

- Biofilm models

- Wound models

- Phase 3 studies and field studies

- various methods established in house

Thanks to our internal service facilities, company branches and partners, we can also work on top current and exciting topics with you!

Efficacy testing - biofilms

The fight against biofilms is a major challenge for many manufacturers of biocidal products given regulatory uncertainties on the one hand and technical hurdles on the other. We at Dr. Brill + Dr. Steinmann however, through the development and establishment of various models with regard to biofilms, have a great deal of expertise that you can draw on. Benefit from various technical options that can provide useful insights in the context of biofilms. Among other things, we can offer you the following specific biofilm tests in various bioreactors:

- "Ring Column" according to DECHEMA

- "CDC reactor" according to ASTM E2562 in conjunction or supplementation with ASTM E3161 (biofilm cultivation) and ASTM E2871 ("single tube" method)

- "DFR reactor" according to ASTM E2647

- "MBEC Assay" according to ASTM E2799

- Microtiter plate test according to Christensen et al.

- "Hilpert reactor" according to VDA working group

So if you have a need, we will be happy to inform you in detail. Normally, we have to look at your product and the desired claim and then develop a test model together based on the above-mentioned procedures or something completely new. It is important that the framework of the ECHA Efficacy Guidance is taken into account in order to ensure the regulatory recognition of the procedures. We are ready for this and look forward to your challenges.


Biocides are used as protective agents due to their properties. In this case, protection exists against microorganisms that are harmful to the product. By using biocides, preserving and protective effects can be achieved. So if you use biocides for preservation, we have the right test for you; Be it a cosmetic product, a film, a paint or a varnish. Even if your product is designed for cooling water or paper production, we can help. Our broad testing laboratory also offers efficacy tests according to international standards for these applications. For example, we have ASTM E645 (PT11) as well as IBRG PDG16-001, IBRG PDG16-007 and IBRG P16-001(PT 6) in our program for you.

Insecticides and repellents

Insecticides and repellents (PT18 and PT19) contain biocidal active ingredients for the purpose of health or material protection and must therefore meet all the requirements of a biocide for approval. Our testing laboratory is also available for this purpose. In collaboration with BioGenius, you receive competent know-how in terms of efficacy testing from a single source. We support you with a wide range of services, from screenings to registration tests and field trials. Benefit from many years of expertise in the field.


Antifouling products, which contain biocides or can also be biocide-free, are intended to protect the hull of the boat and general aquatic structures from deposits and the growth of algae, mussels, barnacles and mussel colonies. Depending on the water quality and temperature, there are a variety of factors that need to be taken into account. So if you need an efficacy test for your antifouling product, we also have that for you in our testing laboratory.


In addition to laboratory services, we also offer a lot of interesting training courses on the topics of disinfection, cleaning and hospital hygiene. Of course, we also put together courses specifically tailored to your requirements. The duration of a course can be from 30 minutes to 4 days, depending on your wishes and needs.



DIN EN 1040

DIN EN 1275

DIN EN 14347

DIN EN 1276

DIN EN 13704

DIN EN 17914

DIN EN 1650

DIN EN 13610

DIN EN 13623

DIN EN 13727

DIN EN 13624

DIN EN 14348

DIN EN 17126

DIN EN 14476


DIN EN 14204

DIN EN 1656

DIN EN 1657

DIN EN 14675

DIN EN 13697

DIN EN 17915

DIN EN 17846

DIN EN 16615

DIN EN 16777

DIN EN 17387

DIN EN 17111

DIN EN 14561

DIN EN 14562

DIN EN 14563


DIN EN 16437

DIN EN 14349

DIN EN 17122

DIN EN 17422

DIN EN 16438

DIN EN 12791

DIN EN 1499

DIN EN 1500

DIN EN 17430

DIN EN 16616

DIN EN 17272



PAS 2424


ASTM E1153

ASTM E1174

ASTM E1839

ASTM E2197

ASTM E2755

ASTM E2783

ASTM E2799


ASTM E1052

ASTM E1838

ASTM E2011

ASTM E1053

ASTM E2149

ASTM E2180


ISO 22196

ISO 21702

ISO 18184

ISO 20743



AOAC 955.14

AOAC 955.15

AOAC 955.17

AOAC 964.02

AOAC 991.47

AOAC 991.48

AOAC 991.49






If you would like to know which standard is accredited for which area, you can find our accreditation certificates here.


*mandatory fields