Our start-up, a joint venture between Prof. Dr. Dirk Bockmühl (Professor at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences) and the Dr. Brill Group, is dedicated to applied hygiene. With our specialized know-how, we combine scientific expertise and practice-oriented research to develop innovative solutions for hygienic challenges in the domestic environment.
Our institute carries out comprehensive hygienic-microbiological tests for manufacturers of washing machines and dishwashers for non-commercial use. We also test the hygienic-microbiological effectiveness of detergents, cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizers and related products.
We work in accordance with recognized standards, such as DIN EN 17658 for chemical textile disinfection in the domestic sector, IEC 63331 for the microbiological performance of household dishwashers or ASTM E2406 for the effectiveness of laundry hygiene products.
We are available for commissions, collaborations and research projects in this area and work closely with Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, other research institutes and manufacturers. Our aim is to shape a clean and hygienic future for households together with our partners.
BB SimReal© method – simulated reality in the laboratory
The BB SimReal method uses various standard methods (EN, ISO, DIN, ASTM), but adapts them to the actual conditions in practical application, for example by selecting more relevant test germs, using temperatures or exposure times that are closer to reality, the (additional) application of mechanics or the investigation of possible long-term effects.
In this way, realistic conditions are simulated in the laboratory and thus show the effect of the product under application conditions without losing the informative value of a standard method.

Always the right method
Of course, we also test classically according to standard methods, for example to detect antimicrobial effects during washing and cleaning:
Chemical textile disinfection for domestic use according to DIN EN 17658
Microbiological performance of household dishwashers according to IEC 63331
Effectiveness of laundry hygiene products according to ASTM E2406
Hygiene performance of dishwashers based on DIN 10512

Tests under accredited conditions
Are you interested in standard tests under accredited conditions?
In this case, we can fall back on our strong network, which offers you tests for these methods, among others:
Quantitative suspension tests according to DIN EN 1040/DIN EN 1275/DIN EN 1276/DIN EN 1650
Testing of disinfection performance on surfaces based on DIN EN 13697
Chemo-thermal laundry disinfection according to DIN EN 16616
Surface disinfection in the four-field test according to DIN EN 16615
Antibacterial activity on surfaces according to ISO 22196